Our Process to Manage the FOOD & BEVERAGE
All HSEQ Formats will be shared on award of the contract

Our Quality Policy
Food Hygiene
Food Hygiene is the set of preventive measures during production, handling, storage and serving of food products in order to guarantee safe and healthful products acceptable for human consumption.
Food hygiene seeks to preserve or promote health by ensuring the safety and wholesomeness of food.
Food hygiene is the ability to produce and supply products, which constantly meet the well-defined standards by the use of methods, which to the widest extent possible prevent cross contamination of food components.
Food hygiene consists of numerous elements.
- Employee health.
- Sanitary facility and equipment’s
- Raw materials quality
- Personal hygiene.
- Proper food storage
- Time and temperature control.
- Cross contamination.
- Cleaning and sanitation
- Pest control.
Benefits of food hygiene and food safety practices
- Ability to maintain the food quality consistently
- Repeat business from clients
- Job satisfaction and high employee morale.
- Less of food waste.
- Improper food safety and hygiene may lead to food borne diseases.
Implications to the company.
- Loss of revenue.
- Loss of reputation.
- Law suits
- Lower employee morale
- Negative publicity.
Food poisoning is illness caused by consuming unsafe food. This kind of food contains harmful bacteria. Food poisoning refers to an acute illness caused by ingestion of food contaminated by bacteria, toxins, viruses or harmful chemical substances. The symptoms vary in degree and combination, which include vomiting, diarrhea, headache and abdominal pain.
Most of the illnesses are mild and improve without any specific treatment, but some patients require hospitalization and strong antibiotic treatment.
Full recovery from most common types of food poisoning occurs within 12 to 48 hours. Dehydration is the most common complication.Drinking lots of fluids can cure the dehydration.
All cases of food poisoning must be investigated without delay.
The Chef and the Food and Beverage Manager must investigate all suspected cases of food or water borne illnesses.
An investigation shall be implemented when three or more persons complain of nausea, vomiting or diarrhea within an eight-hour period.
The investigation shall include,
Questioning of all ill persons as to what type of food is consumed by them in the last 12 hours.
- Conducting a sanitation inspection of the food preparation area.
- How was the food prepared and served.
- If any food handler was infected with cuts, lesion or sores.
- If people are hospitalized a sample of the food shall be sent for analysis.
- Also a water sample shall be collected and sent for analysis.
At the conclusion of the investigation a written report shall be submitted to the client representative and the General Manager / Executive Chef identifying the source of contamination, the number of persons affected and the measures taken to prevent reoccurrence of the incident.
Food Receiving Procedures
Food supplies should be received carefully and all incoming material should be inspected.
Check whether the incoming supplies are as per specification, packing is satisfactory and whether the temperature of the products and the container is correct.
Frozen supplies should be received at a temperature of –12 degrees centigrade.
Refrigerated products like milk; dairy products should be received at 5 degrees centigrade or less.
Do a visual inspection to count the quantity, expiry dates, damaged products and cases of mishandling.
- Transfer all the frozen items and perishables to the respective freezers immediately.
- Transfer supplies like vegetables and fruits to clean and dry baskets.
- Label all items before storage with the delivery date.
- Check foods appearance, texture, smell and taste.
Frozen foods.
- Frozen foods should be received at –18 degrees centigrade and should be checked for signs of thawing and refreezing.
- Other signs include product discoloration or dryness and stains on the outer packing.
- Food should be wrapped in airtight packaging and bags and outer cartons should be clean and undamaged.
Fruits and vegetables.
- Visually inspect for mishandling and insect infestation.
- Spoilage shall show in many ways including blemishes, cuts, discoloration or dull appearance.
- Use smell and taste to determine product quality.
- Unpleasant odors will tell you when a product is unacceptable.
- Identify products, which tend to spoil fast and use the first.
Dry packaged foods.
- Dry foods must be received dry.
- Check outer and inner cases for dampness or moisture.
- Check for insect infestation and rodent droppings.
- Off colors and odors, spots of mold or slimy appearance are signs of spoilage.
Canned foods.
- Check can for exteriors, swollen ends, leaks, rust and dents. Cans received without labels should be rejected.
Food Storage
Food if stored improperly and not used in a timely manner, quality and safety suffers. Poor storage practices can cause food to deteriorate quickly with serious results.
- Date mark all food items indicating when it was received.
- Store products with the earliest use by or expiration dates in front of products with later dates.
- Check the use by dates regularly and discard products that have expired.
- Refrigerate all perishables and frozen items immediately after inspection upon receipt.
- Take out only as much food as you want to prepare at one time.
- Store food in its designated areas only.
- Do not store foods near chemicals or cleaning supplies. Food can be easily contaminated with these chemicals.
- Check temperature of stored food and storage areas.
- Temperatures of all chillers, freezers and food stored should be regularly checked and recorded.
- Keep all storage areas clean and dry.
- Floors, shelving and walls in chillers, dry storerooms and walk in refrigerators should be cleaned on a regular basis.
- Clean up spills right away to keep them from contaminating other food.
- Store items like sugar, flour, and cereals in the coolest part of the dry storage.
- Keep them with tight fitting lids.
- Do not stack food items one over the other.
- Store food such that there is free circulation of air.
- Maintain the temperature between 18-21 degrees centigrade.
- Floor and shelves are to be cleaned regularly.
- Never let trash accumulate in the storage area.
- Dry food remains safe and retains quality if held in the right temperature.
- Do not store food items on the floor.
- Store all items at least six inches off the floor on clean racks, shelves or pallets that can be cleaned and sanitized and the food is protected from contamination.
- Store food in its own packing wherever possible.
- Once packages are opened, store products in tightly covered containers.
- Before using dry food check the containers or packages for damage from insects.
- Tetra packed food once opened have to be refrigerated.
- Canned products can be stored at room temperatures, but once opened they should be decanted and refrigerated.
- Maintain a room temperature up to 21 degrees centigrade.
- Cleaning and pest control schedules to be followed strictly.
- Refrigerate all perishables and frozen items upon receipt.
- Transfer all the fruits and vegetables from their original containers to clean and dry baskets.
- Date mark all food items to ensure FIFO.
- Monitor storage and product temperature regularly.
- Maintain the temperature below 5 degrees
- Do not stack food items one over the other.
- Do not overload the storage unit. Storing too many products prevent airflow and makes the unit work harder.
- Use open shelving. Do not line with paper as it restricts circulation of cold air.
- Never place hot food in the refrigerator. It warms the other food to put it in the danger zone.
- Keep the refrigerator door closed as much as possible.
- Fruits and vegetables, dairy products and eggs should be segregated and stored.
- Store raw meat, poultry and fish separately from cooked and ready to eat food to prevent cross contamination.
- Cleaning schedules in the stores to be followed regularly.
- Check the unit temperature regularly and maintain at –18 degrees C.
- Place frozen food deliveries in the freezer as soon as they have been inspected.
- Label the food and identify the contents, date of delivery and expiration date.
- Never hold the frozen food product at room temperature for more than 15 minutes.
- Store food to allow circulation of air. Overloading makes the unit work harder.
- Defrost freezer units on a regular basis. Move contents to another freezer when defrosting.
- Never refreeze thawed food unless it has been thoroughly cooked.
- Thawing food is more likely to support the growth of microorganisms, while refreezing will not kill it.
- Refreezing damages food quality.
- Rotate frozen food using FIFO method.
- Store food in its original packing. If food is removed from its original packing, wrap it in cling wrap and place it in a sanitized container.
Cross Contamination
Cross contamination occurs when microorganisms are transferred from one surface or food to another.
Cross contamination can occur by:
- Adding raw contaminated ingredients to food that requires no further cooking.
- Food contact surfaces such as equipment’s or utensils that are not cleaned and sanitized before touching cooked or ready to eat food.
- Incorrect positioning of foods in a refrigerator allowing raw foods to touch or drip fluids onto cooked food.
- Contaminated cleaning cloths that are not cleaned and sanitized before being used on other food contact surfaces.
- The hands of food handlers, which are not, washed in between preparing different types of food or touching any source of bacteria e.g. nose, mouth, and hair.
- To avoid cross contamination use of different color-coded chopping boards for different kinds of food is recommended.
WHITE – for breads etc
GREEN –salads vegetables and fruits.
YELLOW – other vegetables.
BLUE – raw fish
RED – raw chicken, raw mutton and other raw meats.
Similarly different color cloth dusters should be used for different areas to avoid cross contamination.
Start with a clean and sanitized work place.
Prepare vegetables away from meat; poultry as well as cooked and ready to eat food to avoid cross contamination.
Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water to remove dirt or other contamination just before cutting, combining with other ingredients or cooking.
Failure to wash fruits before cutting may result in contamination of fruit interiors.
Pay attention to leafy items such as lettuce and spinach because dirt and microorganisms can get into inner leaves. Remove the outer leaves, pull lettuce and spinach apart and rinse thoroughly.
Food Preparation
Water is a major source of contamination in food as it is used for washing of raw vegetables, fruits and cooking.
Also if the water is too hard it cannot be used for washing purposes.
It is therefore important that the water used is potable.
Maintain a check on the water and any observed change in the quality of water should be reported to the Chef and the Chief Engineer immediately.
Salads are very critical items since there is no chance to kill microorganisms and adequate care should be taken in terms of hygiene, time and temperature to prevent cross contamination and bacterial growth.
Food handlers must wash their hands before preparing food and if possible use hand gloves, and spoons and tongs.
Incase of non-vegetarian salads do not use leftover meat and poultry. Cook meat and poultry before use. Prepare other ingredients away from raw meats
Disinfect vegetables using 50 ppm of chlorine.
Leave food in the refrigerator until all ingredients are ready to be mixed.
Always keep the food covered in the refrigerator.
- Potentially hazardous foods requiring cooking shall be cooked to heat all parts of the food to a temperature of at least 74 degrees C or higher for fifteen seconds if possible with no interruption in the cooking process.
- Safe food handling does not stop once the food is prepared and cooked. To make sure the food we serve is safe, we must continue to protect it from time and temperature abuse and contamination till it is consumed.
- Serve hot foods at 65 degrees C or above. Stir hot foods at intervals to distribute heat evenly.
- Keep hot foods covered. Covers retain heat and keep out contamination.
- Discard hazardous foods if it has not been held at above 65 degrees or below 5 degrees C.
- Serve cold foods at a temperature of less than 5 degrees C.
- Do not hold foods for longer than 30 minutes at the serving temperature.
- Never mix freshly prepared food with food being held for service. This leads to cross contamination.
Holding Food
Policy: All hot food will be held hot (above 57º Celsius) and cold food will be held cold (below 5º Celsius). Temperatures of food will be taken routinely to ensure that proper temperatures are maintained through holding to ensure the safety of the food served to customers. Any conflict between food quality and food safety must always be decided in favor of food safety. When in doubt about the safety of food, throw it out.
Procedure: Employees involved in the production or service of food must:
Holding Hot Food:
- Prepare and cook only as much food as is needed. Batch cooking is ideal for maintaining food temperature and quality.
- Use hot-holding equipment that can keep hot food at 57º Celsius or higher.
- Follow manufacturer’s instructions in using hot-holding equipment. [NOTE: Customize your SOP by including instructions. For example, you may need to indicate that the steam table wells need to be filled with hot water and at what level.]
- Keep foods covered to retain heat and to keep contaminants from falling into food.
- We recommend measuring internal food temperatures once an hour using a calibrated thermometer. Record temperatures in the Holding Temperature Log. If temperatures are below 57º Celsius, then reheat to 74º Celsius.
- Discard hot potentially hazardous food after four hours if they have not been properly held at or above 57º Celsius.
- Do not mix freshly prepared food with food being held for service.
Holding Cold Food:
- Use cold-holding equipment that can keep cold foods below 5º Celsius.
- We recommend measuring internal food temperatures once an hour using a calibrated thermometer.
- Record temperatures in the Holding Temperature Log. If temperatures are above 5º Celsius, then refrigerate.
- Protect cold food from contaminants with covers or food shields.
- Discard cold potentially hazardous foods after four hours if they have not been properly held below 5º Celsius.
- If there are no temperature controls, cold food held for longer then six hours must be discarded.
- Place cold food in pans or on plates first, never directly on ice.
- The only exceptions are whole fruits and vegetables that will be washed after holding.
- Ice used on a display should be self-draining. Wash and sanitize drip pans after each use.
Handling Food
Prepare food in small batches so as it will be used faster.Store serving utensils properly. Use clean and sanitized utensils for serving.Glassware and dishes should be handled properly.
Food contact area of plates, bowls, glasses and cups should not be touched, dishes should be held by the edge, cups by their handles and glasses by the stem or bottoms.Minimize bare hand contact with cooked or ready to eat foods.Never use cloths meant for cleaning spills for any other purpose.
- At every step in the flow of food through the operation from receiving to the final service food handlers can contaminate food and cause guests to become ill.
- Food handlers have a moral and legal responsibility to maintain Good Personal Hygiene as it is a protective measure against food borne illness and guests expect it.
- The food handler should take care of personal hygiene.
- They must take a shower daily.
- Keep the hair short and neat.
- Brush the teeth daily. Use a mouthwash if required.
- Shave daily.
- Nails to be short and trimmed.
- Avoid strong smelling perfumes or deodorants.
- Do not wear jewelry or wristwatches while working, they harbor microorganisms.
- Should wear clean and laundered uniforms.
- Should wear a clean cap to cover the hair.
- Should wear clean aprons.
- Should wear closed shoes and in good repair.
- Should cover any cuts burns with dressings before handling any food items.
- Should report to the superior if you are suffering from fever, vomiting, diarrhea.
Procedure: Employees involved in the production of food must complete the following steps:
Prepare hot foods
Cook hot foods to these minimum end-point temperatures or recipe directions. Avoid over-cooking. Use a calibrated thermometer to check product temperature in thickest part of the item or two places.
·Poultry | 74º Celsius for 15 seconds |
·Stuffing, stuffed meats, casseroles, and other dishes
combining raw and cooked foods |
74º Celsius for 15 seconds |
Potentially Hazardous Foods
cooked in microwave |
74º Celsius; let food stand
for 2 minutes after cooking, stir during cook process |
·Ground or flaked meats | 68º Celsius for 15 seconds |
·Beef and pork roasts | 63º Celsius for 4 minutes |
·Beef steaks, pork, veal, lamb | 63º Celsius for 15 seconds |
·Commercially raised game
animals |
63º Celsius for 15 seconds |
·Fish and foods containing fish | 63º Celsius for 15 seconds |
·Shell eggs (for immediate service)
·(If it is not fully cooked use pasteurized eggs) |
63º Celsius for 15 seconds |
·Vegetables (canned, frozen,
fresh) |
57º Celsius for 15 seconds,
held above 57º Celsius |
Ready-to-eat commercially
processed and packaged foods |
57º Celsius for 15 seconds,
held above 57º Celsius |
- Take end-point cooking temperatures.
- Reduce holding time of foods before serving by using batch cooking.
- Allow temperature of cooking equipment to return to required temperatures between batches.
- Do not use hot holding equipment to cook or reheat foods.
- Expose food ingredients to room temperature for two hours or less, or food item should be returned to the refrigerator. TOTAL time of food at room temperature shall not exceed four hours.
- Prepare products that will not be cooked or heated away from other products.
Take temperatures:
- Wash hands.
- Use a clean and sanitize calibrated thermometer to take the temperatures of all potentially hazardous food products, each batch.
- Wipe the clean and sanitize thermometer stem with alcohol wipes prior to taking the temperatures of each food. Open the sanitizer package with clean hands.
- Take temperatures in the thickest part of a food item (usually the center). Two readings should also be taken in different locations to assure thorough cooking to the appropriate end-point temperature.
- Record the end-point cooking temperature on the Cooked Food Temperature Log.

Hands should be washed following the given steps.
Wet your hands with running water with the water temperature of at least 40 degrees C.
Apply soap for at least 20 seconds to work up a good lather.
Scrub thoroughly between the palms, fingers, wrists and under nails.
Rinse thoroughly under running water.
Dry hands and arms. Use single use paper towel or hand drier. Do not use aprons or wiping cloths to dry hands.
Coughing and sneezing.
After eating, smoking or drinking.
Touching of nose.
Handling raw food items.
After using the rest room.
Cleaning and Disinfections
Cleaning is the fundamental process of food hygiene. The purpose of proper cleaning and disinfections is to prevent food poisoning and spread of diseases.
The main purpose of cleaning and disinfection is prevention of contamination of food from sources other than the food handlers and raw materials.
Reasons for cleaning.
- To ensure a pleasant and safe working environment.
- To project a positive image to our guests.
- To reduce the risk of foreign matter contamination.
- To remove materials which encourage pest infestations.
- To remove matter on which bacteria will thrive.
- To allow sterilization of equipment and surfaces.
Cleaning is the process of removing food and other types of soil from a surface.
Disinfection is the process of reducing the number of harmful microorganisms to a safe level.
You must clean and rinse a surface before it can be disinfected effectively. Surface can be disinfected with hot water or with a chemical sanitizing agent.
Food contact surfaces must be cleaned and disinfected after every use or at intervals of every four hours if not in use.
Maintain a cleaning schedule of all tasks and spread employee awareness about maintaining hygiene at work place.
Suggested cleaning schedule.
Wash or scrub floors with hot water containing detergents and clean water.
Wash at least once a day.
Wash walls with hot water containing detergents. Wipe and rinse off
Smooth working surface.
Remove all scraps in hot water. Rinse with clean water. This is followed by using a disinfectant and a final rinse with clean water.
After every operations.
Chopping boards.
Remove all scrapings of food by scrubbing.
Wash in hot water, rinse with clean water and wipe it dry.
Sanatize in a tub with sanitizer
Kitchen equipments and utensils.
Remove all detachable parts and all food residues. Wash in hot water using detergent. Rinse in water. This is followed by using disinfectant. Rinse with clean water.
Cleaning of refrigerated units.
When cleaning and sanitizing these units remember the following, clean before storing deliveries so that less food has to be removed. Clean shelves, walls door edges and gaskets thoroughly.
Stationary equipments.
Stationary equipments need to be unplugged.
The food and soil under the equipments must be removed.
Remove detachable parts and wash, sanitize and air-dried.
Wash and rinse fixed surfaces and spray with sanitizing solution.
Test the equipment.
Accommodation areas.
Check the condition of the public and employee restroom regularly.
Restock soap, tissues and towels before they run out.
Clean sinks mirrors, walls dispensers and urinals once daily.
Clean up spills as often as necessary.
Cleaning the kitchen
Ensure the cleaning program for cleaning of floors; tiles, walls filters and hoods, hot plates, and Bain Marie are strictly followed.
Clean wet spills with a mop.
Wash rinse and sanitize counter tops after each shift.
Clean up spills immediately.
Following are the steps when cleaning and sanitizing equipment’s using the manual method.
Step 1 Rinse scrape or soak before washing.
Step 2 Wash items in the first sink in a detergent solution at a temperature of 43 degrees
Use a scrubber pad to loosen the remaining soil.
Replace the detergent solution when it has gotten dirty.
Step 3 Immerse or sprays rinse the items in the second sink.
Remove all traces of detergent. If using the immersion method replace the water when it becomes dirty.
Step 4 Immerse items n the third sink in hot water or a chemical sanitizing solution. If hot water immersion is used the water temperature must be maintained at 77 degrees and the item must be immersed for at least 30 seconds.
50 ppm of chlorine for 7 minutes at a temperature of 13-46 degrees must be maintained if a sanitizer is used.
Step 5 Air-dry all items.
Dish washing machines sanitize by using hot water.
Following are the steps involved when using the dish wash machine.
- Scrape, rinse soak items before washing.
- Load the racks correctly and use racks designed for the items being washed.
- Make sure all surfaces are exposed to the spray action.
- Never overload the racks.
- Make sure the detergent and sanitizer dispensers are filled properly.
- Check temperatures and pressures.
- Check each rack as it comes out of the machine for soiled items. Run dirty items again till they are clean.
- Air-dry all items. Towels or dusters can re contaminate.
- Check the machine for cleanliness at least once a day. Fill tanks with hot water, clear detergent trays and spray nozzles of food and foreign objects.
- Use a descaler on the machine whenever necessary to remove mineral deposits caused by hard water.

Use of Thermometers
Policy: Temperatures will be taken at all steps in the food flow– receiving, storing, preparing, cooking, transporting, and serving – with calibrated thermometers to ensure the safety of food served to customers.
Procedure: Employees involved in the production or service of food must take temperatures at critical steps throughout the flow of food using the following procedures:
- How to Measure the Temperature of Food:
- Use a calibrated thermometer. Calibrate thermometers on a monthly basis, or whenever they are dropped or suffer a shock.
- Sanitize stem of clean thermometer with an alcohol wipe or insert stem into sanitizing solution for at least 5 seconds, then air dry.
- Insert the end of the sanitized thermometer into one of the following locations, depending on the type of food:
- the thickest part of the product for meat, poultry, or fish the center of the item between two packages of refrigerated or frozen packaged foods until at least 2 inches are submersed in milk and other liquids by folding the bag over the stem of the thermometer or probe for bulk milk or liquids
- Make sure the tip of the thermometer does not poke through the food.
- Measure the temperature for at least 15 seconds.
- Read thermometer and record temperature.
- Clean and sanitize stem of thermometer and store it in an accessible location.
General thermometer guidelines
- Keep thermometers and their storage cases clean, stored safely, and easily accessible.
- Use bi-metallic stemmed thermometers or digital thermometers. Do not use glass thermometers filled with mercury or spirits.
- Wait at least 15 seconds for the thermometer reading to steady before recording the temperature (bi-metallic).
- Take two temperatures in different locations, because product temperatures can vary throughout the food item.
- Insert the thermometer into liquids and hold. Do not allow the thermometer’s sensing area or probe to touch the sides or bottom of the container.
Pest Control Management
Pest carry and spread a lot of diseases through food. Once they have infested a facility it is very difficult to eliminate them.
Pests are usually brought into the establishment with deliveries. Check deliveries before they enter the facility and refuse any shipment that shows sign of infestation.
- Store food above six inches off the floor level and away from walls.
- Remove dirty dishes and uneaten food from tables and clean them quickly.
- Follow the pest control schedule for spraying of chemicals for effective control.
- Pesticides should be used carefully and stored in a separate designated area.
- Fill or cover holes around pipes and seal cracks in floors and walls.
- Pests are usually attracted to damp, dark and dirty places. A clean and sanitary facility offers them little in the way of food and shelter.
- Dispose of garbage quickly and keep containers clean and tightly covered.
Garbage Handling
A food unit generates a lot and different kinds of waste and needs to be carefully handled. Proper storage and disposal of garbage is necessary to minimize the development of odors to prevent such waste from attracting and harboring or breeding place for insects and prevent the soiling of food preparation. Improperly handled garbage creates nuisance conditions and makes housekeeping difficult and a possible source of contamination.
The following precautions should be taken care of,
Garbage has to be segregated before disposal. Food waste, plastic and paper waste should be collected separately.
Garbage should be kept in insect proof containers that do not leak or absorb liquids.
Plastic bags may be used to line these containers.
Containers used in food preparation shall be kept covered after they are filled.
There shall be adequate number of containers to hold all the garbage and refuse that accumulates.
All containers must be maintained in good repair and cleaned frequently in order to store garbage under sanitary conditions.
The garbage will be removed from the kitchen frequently so as to minimize odors and possibility of contamination of food waste.
The outside storage of garbage should be in the specified area and possibly under refrigeration.
Disposal of garbage should be coordinate with the local agency and should be done preferably during the morning period.
Jewelry Policy

Hand Glove Policy

Glass Policy
SCOPE: This procedure applies to all glass and hard plastic used on site, including lights and windows.
PURPOSE: To remove or ameliorate the hazard of broken glass and ensure the risk to consumer health as a result of glass breakage is as low as is practicably possible given the nature of the structure.
RESPONSIBILITY: It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that the following procedures are adhered to and understood by all relevant personnel and the personnel follow State or local health department requirements. All members of staff must appreciate the potential risks associated with breakages and must follow the instructions outlined in this procedure.
The Quality Manager is responsible for ensuring Glass Log is completed on a weekly basis. Glass Breakage Record acts as an expression of due diligence in the event of an investigation due to contamination / customer complaints etc.
- The designated employee completes Glass Log weekly.
- Each piece of glass and clear Perspex is checked and confirmed is intact.
- The team leaders complete the Daily Machine Glass Log.
In the event of any glass breakage within the production, storage, or other areas, the following must be adhered to in order to ensure product safety. This includes the breakage or loss of Glasses and Contact lenses:
- Production in the area must be stopped immediately.
- All products in the immediate vicinity must be quarantined.
- The area at risk will be isolated using coloured tape.
- The Manager must be informed immediately of any breakage in any area.
- No food items, equipment or glass to be removed until the site has been examined by manager.
- All staff is to leave the area until all broken glass has been removed.